When It All Comes Together and You Still Feel Doubts WPCP: 069
I had one of those moments today.
When you realize that everything you’ve been working towards is all coming together.
And not because something specific happened or even something ‘BIG’ happened.
It’s more like a series of small things that simply validate that you’re on the right path and somehow, all of the sudden, you just know.
You’ve Got This.
And then you wake up the next day and all those doubts, fears, and frustrations. Again.
This is what separates the hobbyists from the entrepreneurs.
Do you have the strength and conviction to move through whatever you’re feeling? Will you focus on the big picture or feed the fear?
So You’ve Made a Decision
Time to shake things up and move in a new direction.
That’s what I did this year.
It’s been both amazing and scary at the same time.
And I feel this on a daily basis.
I’ve talked a LOT about the mastermind I’m in over the last year (mainly because it has changed my life and forced me to look at things in a completely different way). One thing I see people doing over and over again in my mastermind is moving in the direction they’re being called to. It’s not just about what everyone else in the market is doing or what the latest guru is preaching about. They go with their gut, they implement and then they measure what’s working. Novel idea, right?
I wouldn’t say I’ve half-assed my business, because I know I’ve worked really, really hard to get where I am today.
BUT… I also know that I am STILL playing it small. What do I mean by that?
Let’s look at a few things that need to be done in my business:
- Create Content (posts & podcasts)
- Social Media
- Video
- Email marketing
- Email (which I am beginning to despise)
- Marketing (think funnels, advertising, etc.)
- Client Work
- Manage the team
- Continue building relationships
(By the way, that list is not in any particular order. Just sayin.)
One of the things I’ve tried to be very consistent within my business is making sure that the first part of the day is spent on my work (in other words, no client work). This isn’t because the client’s work isn’t important, it’s because I know myself well enough and the first part of the day is when I’m most creative, which is when I need to create content (or create anything for that matter). Yet somehow that seems to have gone to hell in a handbasket these last couple of months. As I started writing this I realized why that’s happened… and it’s really not as big of a deal as I’ve made it out to be in my head.
I don’t know if I’ve officially mentioned this here or not but a lot of my energy is being put into podcasting. Not just my own podcast, but a new division of my company, INFLUENCE Podcasting. INFLUENCE Podcasting is a done for you service (right now, I have more plans for it). It’s for the entrepreneur who has a successful business, wants to start a podcast (because of the value, leads, and traffic it generates) but doesn’t have the time. They simply record and we do everything else.
I started this venture in February of this year and it’s really taking off. We’ve been working on onboarding, branding, processes, marketing, all of it. And this was after we did a handful of case studies (for free mind you) to get everything set up. And when I say ‘we’ it really is a team effort. I have an amazing project manager, a couple of editors, blog post writers, developers, and designers.
And that’s been going on while keeping The WordPress Chick going.
But something has to give.
First, let me say that it’s not The WordPress Chick, so no worries there.
In fact, I have big plans for this site and brand. I miss creating videos and content for this site (I haven’t stopped, it’s just less) and know there are a few things I could implement instantly to kick things up a notch. But I can’t do that and everything else I’m doing.
So what’s the solution?
I need to give a few things up.
Which doesn’t mean they stop altogether, it just means I stop doing them.
One of those things are websites.
Yep, unless someone is coaching/consulting with me or is a podcast client I’m not taking on any more stand-alone websites. And this isn’t about the clients. It’s about my time and how I choose to spend it. It also means taking a leap of faith because I can’t be in the driver’s seat of multiple cars at the same time, so I have to let my foot off the gas (think less income coming in) while I fuel the primary car I’m driving (I have no idea where the car thing came from… but we’ll run with it).
This is where true courage, faith, and conviction come into play, right?
I am going to hand over email management to my project manager. Too many things are slipping through the cracks or I get distracted by the latest JV Zoo product launch (it totally reminds me of a line from Godfather III, and I’m paraphrasing here… “just when I thought I was out. They pull me back in!”)
Then all the fears and doubts start rearing their ugly heads.
Know what I mean?
You start doubting yourself, questioning your ‘authority’, play the ‘who am I’ broken record in your head… all of it.
BUT.. what if you asked yourself a different question about all this?
What if instead of looking at those fears and doubts as truth (because they’re not), you started looking at them as indicators that you’re on the right path? That the fear shows up to let you KNOW you’re stepping into something bigger, something you were CALLED to do?
AND… all of this was simply part of your process?
Totally has a different feel to it, right?
What if where you were RIGHT NOW was exactly where you were supposed to be?
Do you feel lighter already?
I do.
Lastly, I just want to remind you of one thing that can be a massive game-changer for you in your business.
You Get to Choose.
– Who you work with
– The type of work you do
– How you show up
– Who you engage with
… ALL of it.
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Great advice Kim, the thoughts about your work being devalued in the light of taking a new project makes TOTAL sense.
Thanks so much Stephen! 🙂
Hi Kim:
I really felt a lot of what you were laying down in this episode. Boundaries are essential to making progress. Saying no to devaluing yourself opens the door to better opportunities, kind of like the Universe tests you, to see what you will accept.
Every time we level up, our entire way of thinking and going about stuff has to level up as well.
Great stuff!
Thanks so much John – and thanks for the awesome tweet too! 🙂
The more we take care of ourselves first and step our game the easier it gets AND… the easier I life gets (sans the doubts and fears we do to ourselves! haha).
Thanks again,
Kim – wow – what a coincidence on the date. Just had to send my thoughts your way. We’ve never met in person but I feel such a kinship with you!
Taking my kid off to college in September and that alone is such a transition. Loved the podcast! BIG HUG FROM SEATTLE!
Hey Cami,
Thanks SO much! Yea.. we should at least hop on skype and chat! 🙂 At least we’re on the same side of the country… we just might meet in person yet. It’s a big transition moving them to school (how far is your son going?)- fortunately she can come home pretty easily & I can go in. Right now it just feels like she’s out and about or away for a couple days.
Thanks for the note on the podcast. 🙂
Excellent podcast, Kim. Many years ago I made the conscious decision not to bring on a team. My joy comes from the web design / development work itself and not overseeing others.
Like you, I also learned to say “No.” First time, it’s tough but, fortunately, it gets easier. Trust your intuition: if the project – or the client – doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t. There are plenty out there who do what we do – and plenty more potential clients.
Finally, loved the part of being your brand. My kids are in my heart when I design a custom WordPress site and that nasty CSS problem is in my head when I’m at the dinner table. We’re all one & life is rich.
Thanks again for the authentic podcast – you are the real thing, my friend.
Thanks SO much Tom! 🙂
I had a mentor once tell me “No is a complete sentence”. It’s taken a while for the message to sink in, but it’s so liberating when it does.
I’m glad to know I’m not the only one who doesn’t separate myself from my business. I do work hard to be present wherever I am and whatever I’m doing. Loved the ‘We’re all one & life is rich’.
Thanks again Tom.