Totally honored – 125 Fearless Female Bloggers

So this came as a TOTAL surprise the other day and a HUGE honor!
As I’ve started to get back into my normal daily routines (now that the movie is actually produced)- one of the things I’ve been working on is picking up the social media side of my business.  So I was SO thrilled when I saw this post on (brainchild of Kristi Hines) and was one of the featured women! Or should I say ‘Fearless Female Bloggers’! WOO HOO!

The post is titled: Women in Blogging: 125 Fearless Female Bloggers

What was SO interesting about this post was the reason behind why she created this list. I’m going to pull this directly from Kristi’s post (of course you’ll still want to check out the post and take a look at all the awesome ‘chicks’ on it! Sorry, couldn’t resist adding the ‘chick’ in there!).

“I took a look at 14 lists that have come out over the last year for the top bloggers, social media marketers, search marketers, and entrepreneurs. The average number of women included is 34% IF you include three lists that were actually dedicated to women. In the other 11 lists that were a mixture, only an average of 16% of the people mentioned were women.

It’s not like there are not any awesome women out there – there just seems to be more men. Please don’t think I’m complaining – I’m not really. I have had the pleasure of being included in several of them, and am highly thankful for that!”
Kristi Hines,, Nov. 29, 2010.

kikolani - Kristi Hines

What I thought was so great about the way Kristi selected people to be on the list was that it wasn’t based on just a few criteria. She chose women who already have a significant presence online as well as women who are at the beginning stages of their blogging careers and have promising futures! Nice! She has either come across these women online, connected with them through other sites /forums and has even met some of them at events such as Blog World (which I WILL be at next year!).

One of the things I love most about these types of lists is that it’s all about “paying it forward”. Not to get too hokey here, but it’s true! And it’s something that the blogoshpere does pretty well.
I’ve done a couple of posts (blogs I read and recommend)- and this has definitely inspired me to get to part 3 of that list! In fact- I think it might be fun to blog about just going THROUGH the list on! Hmm… just when you thought you needed a post idea, one comes out of nowhere!

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  1. Really, how could I leave you off after you create the amazing movie with all of the inspiring women in business, and find out you are a WordPress blogger like me? You belonged on that list! 🙂 And I like your post idea… I bet that would make for a heck of a series!

  2. Came here from Kristi’s list and all I can say is that anyone who’s in that list deserves it. Congratulations for making it on the list. All the best!

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