Thrive Leads and Content Upgrades – A Perfect Pairing [VIDEOS]
Part of my recent obsession with content has also included conversions.
As in “does my content convert?”
There are a lot of ways to measure this, but the best way is with opt-ins (new subscribers). Which of course means you need content specific lead magnets (we’ll get into that more in a bit).
Thrive Leads is the ultimate plugin to help you accomplish this.
I use both the Thrive Content Builder and Thrive Leads.
All the time.
I’m pretty close to getting rid of any third party tools for landing pages because of the Thrive Content Builder. The content builder has features that allow you to create opt-in forms and light boxes but I prefer using Thrive Leads with the content builder. Simply because I can then use those lead boxes in other places on my site.
Before we get into the tutorial and my checklist (there are a few things that need to be done with every content upgrade & lead magnet) let’s talk a little bit about content upgrades, what they are and how you can use them.
Content Upgrades
When I first heard the term content upgrades I assumed it was similar to content locking (to get the rest of the content you have to opt-in or share), but it’s not. It’s simply providing more value to your reader by offering additional content that compliments your content.
As an example, on my post ‘Content Formatting Plugins That Will Surprise & Delight You‘, I converted the post to a PDF (it’s a pretty lengthy post at 2601 words) and added a checklist for content formatting. This upgrade is a win-win for both my visitor and my self.
They get the post as a reference in a PDF (so they don’t have to come back to the site or bookmark the post) and they get a checklist to help them with their content.
In return for that I get a targeted list of subscribers who are interested in creating quality content.
Here’s an example 0f what the content upgrade in that post looks like:
I created the button (big teal box), with another plugin along with Thrive Leads, Shortcodes Ultimate. I wrote a post about how to do that here.
You can also create a content upgrade with Thrive Leads and an image (which is what I’m going to show you in the video and is at the end of this post, the Generate Leads with WordPress PDF & Workbook).
I recently read a post by Devesh Khanal on called “Exit PopUp Optimization: How I Increased Email Subscribers By 216% in One Month” where he talks about something he calls ‘Topicbox Technique’. I highly recommend reading the post, but to sum it up for you it’s basically about creating a few different lead magnets that you can use on multiple categories site-wide.
[thrive_leads id=’15292′]For me, I have 3 different lead magnets that I can use (I have 1 more that I’ll be adding to my site but it’s also for a category that I haven’t written much about):
Here are the 3 lead magnets I have:
- Lead Generation for WordPress
- Podcasting for Leads, Not Just Listeners
- Create Content that Sells
I can use those leads magnets on multiple categories throughout my site as long they compliment the category and are relevant to the topic (this is the topicbox technique).
Without going to sideways into lead magnets, I want to give you a few different ways to look at this so you can create lead magnets that draw in your ideal audience & subscriber.
A few months ago I changed the theme on my site. As I dug into my new content strategy and site ‘overhaul’ I took a step back and worked from the end point.
[list icon=”icon: arrow-circle-right” icon_color=”#e05455″]
- What is the goal of my site?
- Who do I want to do business with?
- What type of content do I want to create?
As my business has grown and evolved this has changed over time (as it should). There was a time when I enjoyed creating basic WordPress tutorials and training, but not anymore (although I’ve thought about doing a free course on this site… we’ll see). I get more excited sharing things that I’m currently working on and are working for me.
[button url=”” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#2f90a1″ size=”7″ wide=”yes” center=”yes” radius=”0″]Click Here to Checkout Thrive Leads[/button]I also knew that with my current offerings it didn’t make much sense to target people who were brand new to online marketing or were interested in complete DIY (no judgement on that audience here, it’s just not what I want to be doing in my business today).
So before you create your lead magnet get very clear on WHO you want to target and connect with.
O.K., let’e move on to a few quick tutorials on Thrive Leads and Content Upgrades!
The first video will show you how to use a content upgrade box (a box with text that links to a lightbox) using the Lead Shortcodes.
See what I mean?
Pretty easy and a GREAT tool for creating content upgrades!