They Always F*ck You At The Drive-thru

*image property of Warner Bros. studio*
I’m totally dating myself with that movie line (“they always f*ck you at the drive-thru”), but I couldn’t resist.
Anyone else misses Joe Pesci from the big screen?
This goes way back to Lethal Weapon 3… when they ordered food at a drive-thru, get on the road and realize the order isn’t correct (I wonder how many people started checking their orders after that movie?).
Whenever something goes wrong or wonky that is out of my control, I revert to his line (I have way too many movie lines and quotes that go through my brain on any given day), for a couple reasons.
First, because it lightens the mood and is amusing to me. Second, because it is what it is. If you actually happen to be at a drive-thru or picking up food from a restaurant (or one of the many food services that will deliver from a restaurant), how long would it actually take to check your order? It’s a simple thing that can prevent you from having a less-than-pleasant meal.
(Not that most drive-thrus are pleasant meals… as good as they taste, I usually pay the price afterward).
I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately…
Not fast food and getting screwed at the drive-thru, but patience. Taking the time to do something right and enjoying the process.
I talked about this in last week’s podcast episode (Content Repurposing & My Wake-up Call). Let me say that I totally believe in repurposing content, but there’s is a way to do it that benefits your audience and there is a way to do it that benefits you.
You know where I’m going with this, right?
The notion that you should mass produce content in a short window, then schedule it to be published for months so you don’t have to touch it is not going to work (it might work for a little bit, but in the long run, it’s a huge disservice).
Does this mean you shouldn’t schedule and repurpose your content?
Absolutely not.
I have to do this or I’d never get any work done.
But… I can guarantee you if I were to create a ton of content this week and try to schedule it out for the next 6 months… that it would be crap. Not because the quality wouldn’t be there, but what I create this week is probably not going to be something I would want to create in 6 months.
Is there content you can create that will be evergreen and valuable down the road?
… but I doubt it’s something you’re going to squeeze out with 50 other pieces of content in a few days.
Batch creating and producing is great… but think about how you’re doing it, why you’re doing it, and who it serves.
I’m really working on reframing how I work (as well as many other things in my life).
The process of creating is something I truly enjoy… being present with whatever you’re doing will absolutely improve the quality of your life and whatever it is you produce.
Whether it’s cleaning the garage (part of my weekend last week) or creating a piece of content. Focus on being present and the task at hand.
I shared a lot of this in last week’s training: “7 Ways to Create, Promote, & Profit With Your Content”… how I went from being in a high-ticket Mastermind where I had amazing adventures, connected with some great people, and ultimately, didn’t do the things that felt right for me (I have no regrets, it was a ton of fun).
Then I stepped back and had to look at why the ‘high-ticket’ things I was doing felt like crap (this isn’t against high-ticket products or services). They felt like crap because it wasn’t what I wanted to be doing. I was selling a high-ticket service (done-for-you podcasting) because I could (and felt like I “should”).
Stop doing things you feel like you should be doing.
Check out the replay of “7 Ways to Create, Promote, & Profit With Your Content” here
This IS a teaching webinar… I promise you’ll walk away with tangible ideas you can implement today!