The Truth About Being A 'LifeStyle Entrepreneur'
Ever have one of those days where you feel ‘off’ but nothing is wrong?
Yea… me too. That was yesterday for me. Everything is good (really good in fact), but my mood was just off. Then what I do (this is how crazy I can be at times), is get pissy that I’m feeling pissy. I have a LOT to do right now, I love everything I’m doing, but I still didn’t feel like doing anything. Work or otherwise.
What do you do when you feel like that?
The first thing I did was a few menial tasks. I had to ask myself “what needs to be done that doesn’t require any creative attention or interaction with human beings?” (because I know myself well enough to know that no one deserves to be around me when I feel like that).
After that I took a nap, picked up my son and got back to work when I got home.
But the truth is, I never really got into a groove yesterday.
I ended up doing some painting (watercolors) and watching a little ‘DaVinci’s Demon’s’ on Starz.
Feel like a new person. Got a good night’s sleep and feel on point with everything I need to do today.
Why am I sharing this with you? Because this happens to all of us. And the truth is, it’s not a big deal. If you make it a big deal, you’re going to derail yourself for more than a day (or a couple of days). Let yourself have the mood, the off-day, whatever you want to call it and then get back at it when it passes.
It WILL pass.
I was reminded of this when I got an email from Nathalie Doremieux yesterday. Nathalie reached out to me a month or so ago and asked to interview me for her ‘LifeStyle Entrepreneur Interview Series’ (which is free by the way, I’ve got the link to the event below for you).
I had such a great conversation with Nathalie and had to remind myself ‘why’ I do what I do.
All the shifts I’ve been making in my business this past year have been a little scary from the financial side of things, but when it comes to lifestyle? I have zero complaints. The quality of my life is gold.
I look at the personal challenges that have crept up this year for me and I could not be more appreciative of this business I’ve created. Would I get through things if I didn’t have this business? If I was commuting every day to a job? Of course. But I can tell you without a doubt that having the time freedom and space in my life to take off to Oregon for a few days with my parents, or go to my Mom’s last chemo treatment far outweighs the financial bootstrapping I’ve done this year to make these changes.
While I’ve always had the time freedom for these things I hadn’t set my business up in a way that really allowed me the mental freedom of not worrying about who I needed to respond to or what needed to be done for someone else.
THIS is why I do this.
THIS is the business I dreamed of when I started this online journey almost 10 years ago.
Creating a ‘lifestyle’ business is about doing things on YOUR terms.
The way YOU want to do them.
Do you have to put in the time and work to earn this? Of course. But the difference is (and here comes the trite saying we’ve all heard a zillion times), when you love what you do it doesn’t feel like work.
At all.
Listen to my LifeStyle Entrepreneur interview with Nathalie Doremiux here
Now I’m off to watch a webinar while I enjoy my second cup of coffee.