Push Button Email Marketing – My Interview with Jason Drohn WPCP: 088


Every now and then you come across a tool that is a massive game-changer.

And you wonder “where have you been all my life?” …

That’s how I felt when I found Scriptly.

Email Marketing isn’t as easy as you think it is (or should be).

I have an old story in my head that I need to stop telling myself, and that is “I’m not good at copywriting”. I love creating content and writing in my own voice. Once I stepped into that fully and owned that that was how I wanted to write, content became a piece of cake. Over the last couple of years, my content has gotten better, I enjoy writing and take more time to provide as much value as I can.

Here’s the deal though.

It’s taken a LOT of practice.

I don’t know why it never occurred to me to apply the same principle to writing copy (slow learner much?).

Kind of comical now that I think about it and put it out there.

The cool thing is that all of that has changed over the last couple of months and I’ve started investing more time into understanding copy and testing what works and what doesn’t. It started with using the free headline analyzer by CoSchedule (which is now built into the app so you don’t have to go to the tool on the web to analyze your post headlines). By inputting my headlines, getting a score and re-writing the headlines to get the best possible score I could, I started to understand copy a little more. AND… it started feeling ‘fun’ to write headlines. Whaaaaaatttt????

I know.

I kind of surprised myself too!

One HUGE piece of online marketing and copywriting is email copy.

I don’t necessarily mean a broadcast email that you send out to your list… but email sequences. I’m O.K. if someone gets me started. As in, email #1 should be this, email #2 should be this, etc. And note that I said “I’m O.K.”, that doesn’t mean it’s done really well or converts really well. I think in my head I had this aversion to ‘writing copy’ because it felt like I was being less than genuine. Which is kind of silly. As long as what you’re writing is honest, all you’re doing is crafting the words in a way that makes the reader think differently (you’re appealing to something inside of them).

Which is why I fell in love with Scriptly the second I saw it.Jason-Drohn

I was introduced to Scriptly from a good friend in his Facebook group. I checked it out and knew INSTANTLY this was a tool I needed!

You’re going to hear more about Scriptly in the interview, but to cut to the chase – Scriptly writes your email copy & sequences FOR YOU.

Naturally, when I find a tool I love and become a little obsessed with, I dig a little deeper (do a little more research on who is behind the tool) and ask them if they’d like to be on the podcast.

To say I hit it off with Jason Drohn, the founder of Scriptly, would be an understatement.

We had an initial Skype conversation that lasted at least an hour, then scheduled the interview.

Jason is a breath of fresh air when it comes to the internet marketing space. Mainly because he’s been in the trenches and gotten out. You’ll understand what I mean when you listen to the interview.

The Questions I asked Jason:

Before we talk about your current business, can you share with the listeners how you got into online marketing & what brought you here?

  1. What was your first piece of software?
  2. What made you switch from what you were doing to creating software?
  3. What were some of the challenges you faced while building your software company?
  4. I have fallen in LOVE with Scriptly…. fill the listeners in on what it is and how it works
  5. What would you recommend to someone who wants to get into the software / SaaS model?
  6. What’s coming next?
[socialpug_tweet tweet=”Software isn’t easy. You have to do a really good job marketing it” @JasonDrohn” display_tweet=”Software isn’t easy. You have to do a really good job marketing it” @JasonDrohn” style=”2″]

What You’re Going to Learn

  1. How Jason got into Internet Marketing
  2. What he did to build a great income with affiliate marketing
  3. Why he left affiliate marketing
  4. When he stepped into software development
  5. What his first software tool was (it’s still around and is awesome)
  6. How to get into software 


Where you can connect with Jason

Facebook | Twitter | Website

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