Paid Traffic for Content Promotion with Daniel Daines-Hutt KDS: 027

Daniel Daines-Hutt

Daniel Daines-Hutt was one of those people that completely over-delivered as a guest on the podcast.

I’d love to tell you that this always works out swimmingly, but it doesn’t.

In the case of Daniel not only did he completely over-deliver on the show, but I think it’s safe to say we’ve become friends and I look forward to growing this friendship.

Daniel got started online with e-commerce and found he was really good at marketing and digital strategy, which actually allowed him and his partner, Freyja Spaven, to stay in New Zealand on an Entrepreneurial Visa (who knew such a thing existed).

It’s hard to ignore someone who has written only 9 posts in 2 years but gets hundreds of thousands of visitors a month. They started AmyMyContent because they wanted to build an asset. When they first started, they hired an intern and created SOPs (standard operating procedures), turned that into training, then began publishing case studies on their blog to share the success of what they were doing (side note: case studies are one of my favorite types of content to read).

[socialpug_tweet tweet=”There’s a big disconnect between the paid traffic guys and the inbound marketing guys. You should be doing both. @ampmycontent” display_tweet=”There’s a big disconnect between the paid traffic guys and the inbound marketing guys. You should be doing both. @ampmycontent” style=”2″]

Questions I Asked Daniel

  1. Can you give us your backstory / what you were doing before launching AmpMyContent?
  2. What is AmpMyContent?
  3. Why less writing and more promotion?
  4. What are some of the methods you use for promotion?
  5. How do you start writing better content?
  6. How do search and SEO play into content?
[socialpug_tweet tweet=”It starts with a loss, but you’re getting data to see what works. @ampmycontent” display_tweet=”It starts with a loss, but you’re getting data to see what works. @ampmycontent” style=”2″]

What You’re Going to Learn

  • What bottom-up testing is
  • What Daniel’s ‘Big Cheat’ is
  • How to present the information
  • How to create an emotional connection
  • Why paid traffic to content is far cheaper and provides better opt-ins
[socialpug_tweet tweet=”Good writing comes from the editing process, not the initial writing. @ampmycontent” display_tweet=”Good writing comes from the editing process, not the initial writing. @ampmycontent” style=”2″]

Links from this episode:

Why You Need to Stop Writing Content If You Want To Get Traffic

Definitive Guide to Paid Content Promotion


Where to Connect with Daniel

Website | Facebook | Twitter

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  1. Thanks for having me on the show Kim!

    It was a pleasure to chat, and to try and share some of my #nerdiness with you and your audience 😀

    If anyone has any questions then please let me know in the comments below

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