Having My Mind Blown, Branding and The Karate Kid: My Interview with Wes Ward WPCP: 024


So here’s the follow up to my little mention in last weeks episode about accountability.

My interview with Wes Ward, my new accountability partner and uber brilliant (and fun) branding sensei (yes, I actually just used the word ‘Sensei’… I think it was a subconscious move considering we talked about The Karate Kid and Mr. Miagi in this interview. Literally. I swear it makes sense though).

First, before I share a bit about this interview, I should tell you right off the bat that I’m intentionally not going to share some of the “meat” of the interview in the post / show notes. And I promise it’s not to ‘make you listen’ to the show, but there is no way I could do it justice. Especially since throughout most of the interview I feel like a little kid, giddy with excitement about having my mind blown over communicating value (trust me, it’s so much MORE than that though).


The Mind Blowing Part

Having been online for almost 6 years full time now (that kinda trips me out to say that!) I’d like to think I’ve seen my fair share of methodologies when it comes to marketing, creating content, branding, etc. Of course my ‘fair share’ is relative to the space I’m in, the sites I visit and who I’m connected to or subscribe to. Which is why it’s SO ridiculously important that you step outside of your comfort zone and connect with other people.



Which is what I have become over the last year and a half when I realized certain things just didn’t “feel” right. I couldn’t quite put my finger on the disconnect other than I knew I needed to start trusting myself, showing up as myself and completely detaching from the opinions of other people (good or bad). To say the results have been amazing would honestly be an understatement. But that’s not what this interview and post is about.

I connected with Wes in a Facebook Mastermind I’m in (and yes, I promise I’ll share more of this journey with you too) and neither of us could attend the live in person mastermind in Palm Beach in October. At the live mastermind the people who were there set up accountability partners with other members of the group, so when I was on the first call the week after I put something in the chat asking if anyone was looking for an accountability partner. Which is when Wes popped up and said yes, dropped his email in and we chatted on skype later that day (Wes is in Melbourne, Australia… gotta love skype!).




At one point towards the middle of our call I had to stand up and walk around because I was so excited and couldn’t sit still, literally. And at this point in my life I’m pretty chill, so this doesn’t happen often (note to self: find more things that get you so excited you have to get out of your chair!).

You’ll hear about Wes’ background and what he’s doing now that has completely made me look at branding and storytelling in a different way (it’s much better and MUCH more fun!). I’ve started working through Wes’ training, Publish and Grow, over the last couple of weeks and will be sharing some BIG changes to my business, a new brand (don’t worry, The WordPress Chick isn’t going anywhere) and some updates on this process.


I know personally that for a LONG time I avoided doing this type of “work” because quite honestly it didn’t feel like “work”. You know what I’m talking about right? That old way of thinking about “work” and what it should look like (I still battle this one from time to time but it’s easing up).

Let me give you a couple insights into the interview that might shed some clarity on what I’m referring to when I say doing this type of “work”:

Value proposition

Story behind the brand

What are the results you deliver

What is the value you provide to your clients & customers

THAT’S what I’m talking about.

The stuff that requires you to close your email, get creative, do some soul searching and get CLEAR on the things that will build your brand and business for the long term. I know personally it always felt like I didn’t have time to do these things. Yikes. Wrong answer girl. Just getting started with this work has turned things upside down for me – in a good way!


My Brand New Box of Crayons

That’s how I feel now. Like I’ve been given a brand new box of 64 crayons, a HUGE pad of white paper and permission to just have at it! (remember, I’m the geek who is obsessed with all things visual and spent as much time as possible as a child drawing, coloring and creating anything I could get my hands on!). And most importantly, I’m having a BALL!

My Challenge to You!

You’ll hear towards the end of the interview that Wes and I asked people to share something (no, I’m not going to tell you.. you have to LISTEN!). Drop your answer in the comments below and make sure head over to Wes’ Facebook Page and drop him a note. It will SO be worth your time!

I’m going to do a follow up with Wes, well, probably more than one, with my progress, the behind the scenes look at the building of my new brand and how things are going. I’m going to take you along for the journey, which I guarantee you is just beginning!

Links from this Episode

Publish and Grow

Wes on Facebook

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  1. I would be curios to hear Wes’ thoughts on the Karate Kid and Mr. Miyagi. That movie has had such an everlasting impact on martial arts and indirectly on many other disciplines. Is the interview publicly available?

    1. Hi Jason,
      You can listen to the interview right above the post. There’s a small player beneath the post title.

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