I’m Curious… are You Still Using Facebook? 🤔

At first, I thought it was simply because I was busier the last couple of months but then I’ve noticed similar comments from other people.
I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels this way so I thought I’d ask you (as well as share my general thoughts).
How are you using Facebook these days? (if at all)
I’ve noticed I’m on there much less than I used to be.
I still have the Content Creators Facebook Group (which I’ve cut way back on my own personal engagement, more on that in a minute), and I share to my personal page, but I don’t really bother with my business page.
Other than pushing content to it.
My page gets some engagement, but nothing to write home about.
Obviously, if I was more active on the platform I’d see different results… but this is more curiosity about even having the desire to be active on the platform.
I know a handful of people who left Facebook a while ago.
I also know people who have small groups and are still doing great with the platform. I think it depends on your market and the price point of what you’re selling (these are all “Kim’s gut”… not data-driven statements 😉).
I like keeping my personal profile going because it helps me stay in touch with people I normally wouldn’t (distant family friends, friends of my Mom’s, childhood friends, etc.).
I used to be on FB a lot more to communicate with friends via Messenger (online friends in the digital marketing space) – but now I just use the desktop Messenger app when I want to jump in and say hi.
I’ve shared that I have been putting more time and energy into Twitter lately and am going to up my LinkedIn use/engagement as well.
Twitter by far is currently my best traffic source.
Keep in mind I’m doing the Ship30for30 program and am using their Typeshare.co to test “social blogging” (I’ll do a more in-depth review of this program when I’m done, right now I’m beyond impressed but it also feels a bit like drinking out of a fire hose).
You can see some of my “Atomic Essays” on Typeshare here, but I’m also sharing them on Twitter.​
Every time I publish on Typeshare (which I love writing there – very clean, great UI), I feel like “OMG! I need to be publishing on my site first!”
After being in this space for so long it’s hard to feel like publishing original content outside of a property you own is a wise decision.
But the data is telling me otherwise.
I am getting consistent new subscribers and traffic to my site.
This is all about getting in front of new audiences and attracting the right people.
So far, I’m loving it.
This brings me back to Facebook.
For those of you with a group, I’d be curious to know how well your group converts to subscribers and customers? the amount of time needed to foster and engage a quality Facebook Group doesn’t seem like the return is there.
With only so many hours in the day, I question giving anything for free to Facebook at this point.
The return just isn’t there (and this was before I decreased my activity).
I’ve been thinking about doing a “reboot” of the Facebook group for a couple of years now, but it’s not a priority and quite frankly, I’m not sure I have the energy to “test” Facebook right now.
I’m curious to know your thoughts on Facebook, hit reply and let me know.
And if you ARE still having great luck with FB, maybe we should chat over a podcast interview if you’re up for it?