Duct Tape Marketing, A Challenge and A Mishap


Nothing like starting a post off with an apology, right?

Thanks to everyone who let me know you were receiving my emails twice a day… clearly I need to do a tad more work with the resend features within Drip.
Moving forward you won’t be getting any emails from me twice,  so apologies for my little mishap.

Before I get into my challenge for you… let me just tell you that this isn’t something you need to track, measure, or join (partly because the results are somewhat intangible. Intrigued? Read on…)

This is solely for YOU.

I’ve talked a lot about things that have “changed my business”…. or have been the “best thing ever” (someone needs a thesaurus). These two things I’ve referenced most in relation to what’s changed my business have been the podcast and this daily email.

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There is, however, a third thing that’s really been the catalyst for it all.

In fact, it’s probably safe to say it’s the primary reason for my business growing.

It’s not rocket science, it’s simply connecting with people.

Good ol’ fashioned relationship building (my friend Sandi Eveleth really drove this message home for me… so thanks for that Sandi).

Connecting with people, having conversations, putting yourself out there.

The relationships you foster will do more for your business than any funnel, Facebook ad, or ninja tactic you can dream up.

So here’s my challenge to you.

Reach out to someone today.
Anyone in your network you follow, read, subscribe to, whatever. It doesn’t have to be a phone call or formal appointment.

Simply respond to something on Facebook, an email, or comment on a post.

You have no idea where those connections and relationship are going to take you. Some may turn into life long friendships others may be amazing business partnerships or potential joint venture relationships.

The thing is, you’ll never know if you don’t start reaching out.

This is what my podcast has done for me (even though I had zero strategies when I launched it). I’ve used the platform I’ve created to share amazing stories from other entrepreneurs.

Because of this, I’ve had some crazy cool opportunities show up in my life.

One of which is being asked to be a guest on other podcasts (any time you can share what you’re doing on someone else’s platform, go for it!).

After I had Phil Singleton (co-author of SEO for Growth) on the show, he reached out to his co-author on the book, John Jantsch, who runs The Duct Tape Marketing podcast and suggested he have me on as a guest!

What the what?

Yep… pretty cool. I was truly honored (and think I held my own pretty well).

The episode went live today so naturally, I wanted to share it with you guys.

Listen to “How to Build A Business Around An Unmet Need” on Duct Tape Marketing here

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    1. Thanks so much Niel!
      This interview came through a connection with Phil Singleton, who co-authored the book SEO for Growth with Jon Jantsch. Reaching out is a great way to go. You never know what those connections & relationships will lead to.

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