Insights & Inspiration for the Digital Marketer’s Soul
Explore Posts Where Authenticity Meets Strategy and Inspiration Ignites Action
Rockstar Status? We’ll See…
I couldn’t resist finding a GIF for today because this totally sums up how my week started and ended: I…
How to Guarantee I WON’T Respond to Your Request
I kind of debated on whether or not to write this post, but I thought it was time. Sometimes there…
Top 5 Tools to Turn Your WordPress Site into a Marketing Machine
*this is a sponsored post* Bare-bones WordPress works, but a marketing machine it is not. Jo Public sees hundreds of…
Blogging & Content Marketing: Don’t Call it A Comeback
Yep, that’s LL Cool J. That was the first thing that popped into my head when I thought of this…
Five Essentials for Launching a Compelling Blog that People can Trust
Image credit: Pixabay (this is a guest post) Blogs are a dime-a-dozen, and it is difficult to compete for an audience…
Finding Inspiration And Setting Boundaries
The last week of June. Hard to believe we’re more than halfway through the year. Somehow my brain is still…
Duct Tape Marketing, A Challenge and A Mishap
Nothing like starting a post off with an apology, right? Thanks to everyone who let me know you were receiving…
Would You Stay the Course If It Took You 7 Years to Profit?
By now you’ve probably heard about Amazon buying Whole Foods for 13.7 BILLION dollars. I can’t even wrap my head…
Celebrating 150 Podcast Episodes with a Facebook Live Stream & Giveaway [VIDEO]
This was a little belated in celebrating reaching 150 episodes, but it was fun nonetheless. I first have to thank…