An Audio App I’m Loving & My Weepy Morning [AUDIO]
I couldn’t quite put my finger on why, but yesterday I woke up feeling crabby and a little emotional.
The day before was pleasant, I got a lot accomplished, spent some time with a friend Saturday evening, slept great, and then woke up off. I couldn’t put my finger on it. You know that feeling, right? For me, there’s a pit in my stomach and something in my head that is fighting the emotions (usually it’s tears of frustration, which is what I felt yesterday).
Sometimes there’s a reason for the feelings, and sometimes there isn’t. Yesterday there really wasn’t a reason.
I was getting ready to go have lunch with two of my dearest friends and knew that if I didn’t make a conscious decision it would alter the rest of my day. So I did something that has taken me a long time to grasp, I simply chose to feel better.
It’s not quite as quick as flipping a switch, but it’s getting closer.
Instead of looking for a story to support why I feel crappy (which is exactly what I used to do), first I get a little pissed (as in, “I’m not wasting a day with this!”), then I find something… anything… that will make me feel better.
So I jumped into the audio app I’m loving and shared my “choice to feel better.”
You guys know I’m a wee bit of an audiophile (I love my audio content), so I’ve been looking at other ways to use audio for content and went back to an app I found last year that I’ve been following (even if I didn’t do anything with it, I love watching the evolution of things as well as how people market).
The app is Anchor.
(by the way, you can listen to today’s recording below in the player from Anchor).
It’s for Apple & Android as well as having a desktop version (although the desktop version leaves a little to be desired, to be honest). Anchor allows you to record 5-minute audio recordings and then share them. You can share them to Twitter, Facebook, embed on your site, or even email.
[clickToTweet tweet=”And just like anything else, Anchor will work if you do. Consistency is key! ” quote=”And just like anything else, Anchor will work if you do. Consistency is key! ” theme=”style6″]Here’s the crazy thing…
There isn’t very much information out there about Anchor and how you can use it for your business. Which is good for me 😉 I see a ton of possibilities. Needless to say, I’m working on an in-depth post about Anchor with videos and of course, Anchor recordings.
Some people are using Anchor for podcasting (you can record longer than 5 minutes, but it will break your recording into 5-minute segments).
One of the things I love most about the newer version of Anchor (when I joined last year it looked very different) is that you can download your audio as a video! There are 3 different sizes (widescreen, square & story) that include your transcription (you do need to edit the transcripts, but this is probably one of the easiest transcription tools I’ve used. I wish there was a desktop app that was this easy to use, but I digress).
I’ve posted a couple Anchor videos on my WPChick Facebook page… and I’m getting a lot of views. I think this is something EVERYONE can add to their business to start getting some more traction and engagement.
Here’s today’s Anchor:
I should have the post and video done by the end of the week, so stay tuned for that.
Be sure to favorite my station on Anchor and if you sign up (it’s free), I’ll favorite you back.
And just like anything else, Anchor will work great if you do the work. Consistency is key!
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