9 Brilliant Ways You Can Repurpose ONE Podcast Episode
This was one of those post ideas that came to me when I was writing something else.
Nothing like validation for “doing the work”, right?
As part of a new campaign I’m working on I wanted to point out the benefits of podcasting in a few different ways. There are a lot of different angles you can approach the benefits from but in this case I was thinking about content. Not enough people are talking about ‘podcasting as content’ (which maybe is a good thing for me? 🙂 ) yet so many people struggle with finding the time to create content or don’t know where to start to develop a content strategy.
When I started my podcast a few years ago my intention was simply to have fun and Use My Voice. And not in the literal sense, although that’s obviously required. More in the sense that the content I created was somewhat filtered. Not that there’s much to be controversial over when in comes to WordPress (although the fact that there is a hashtag called wpdrama would dictate otherwise), but I definitely wanted to pull more of my personality into my content. What better way than to have a conversation with my audience, right?
Fast forward a few years and more and more people are getting into podcasting, which is GREAT! It’s simply another form of content and opportunity to provide value and connect with your audience.
The Challenge of Content Creation
Creating valuable content that warrants engagement takes time… and practice! Time to do the research and create the content as well as the ‘practice time’ required to get better at it (no matter how amazing of a writer you are creating content that makes someone want to take action is something else entirely… so you need to practice).
Podcast for Content
The beauty of podcasting for content is that right off the bat you have to create two types of content (although I guess you could skip the written post if you simply want to host your podcast on libsyn and submit the feed directly to iTunes, Stitcher, etc., but I’m going to assume you have a website and want to drive traffic to your website with the podcast).
[thrive_2step id=’14778′][/thrive_2step]The first two types of content you’re creating with the podcast are:
- Audio: I know, super obvious, but it’s still a type of content.
- Written blog post: This is on your website and is what will generate the feed to submit your podcast to iTunes
I haven’t tried all of the next 7 ways to repurpose a podcast, but I will tell you how I would do it (or will do it for that matter, because I think it’s going to be a brilliant test! Remember if you’re going to use these methods make sure to track your results. Ensure that all the links you use on other platforms or with each of these methodologies is done with some sort of tracking link so you can determine which methods work best).
Here are the next 7 ways you can repurpose ONE podcast episode:
3. Transcripts: Because I personally have never read the transcripts to a podcast (and no one has ever asked me for them), I hadn’t bothered doing it. However, I think I’m going to start. I recently spoke at a WordPress meetup and a handful of people said they only listen to podcasts where they can get the transcripts as well. WOW! Talk about food for thought, right? My only concern with providing transcripts is really seeing the ROI on having them done (most transcription services cost about $1 a minute and since most of my shows are 45 min to an hour, that’s about $250 a month, give or take a few dollars. Rev is one service you might want to try). You might be wondering what the point is with a written post and transcripts (because yes, you can absolutely provide the written transcript as the post or show notes).
Here’s how I do my show notes: For a solo show (where it’s just me), I write my show notes prior to recording the episode. This is so I have some structure and the writing of the post helps me get my thoughts in order. I never read the post for the episode I simply use it as a guide when I’m recording. For the interviews, I have the questions ready beforehand then I have a specific format we use for the podcast post itself. This way there is some consistency for the guests and the reader. If I were to provide transcripts I would provide them as either a separate blog post (think SEO value, although something about that feels a little cheesy) and or a download (requiring an opt-in, so I could at least measure how many people want them).
4. Video: If you’re doing a podcast interview and decide you want to record it via video (Blab anyone?), this is a great way to generate more traffic with one podcast episode. If you don’t want to do Blab (which has a chat function and might be a little distracting), then you can use a skype video recorder and record split screens of you and your guest. By doing your podcast interview that way you have the audio and video, which you can then submit as both the audio podcast and a video podcast if you want (but requires setting up another feed and submitting the video podcast to iTunes). If you don’t want to go the route of a video podcast you can simply upload the video to YouTube and Facebook (upload the video directly to Facebook, don’t share the YouTube link. You’ll get way more reach on FB when you upload the video directly) getting even more traction from the interview. And of course you can add the video to the post on your site. Some people will go so far as to overlay an audio podcast to stock footage so it’s a video or use a static image along with the audio and will submit it to iTunes. I’m not sure I would personally go that route but it doesn’t require much effort and is worth the test.
5. Infographic: I’m thinking of one recent podcast episode in particular where I could have done this (and may go back and add the infographic). It was called “Falling in Love With CoSchedule & The Best Business Investment I’ve Made in A Long Time” (kind of wordy, but it works). The infographic I have in mind would be to highlight the features of CoSchedule, add some graphics with a calendar and icons for each of the benefits of using CoSchedule and the post title at the top. Nothing too fancy (and probably more of a ‘graphic’ than an actual infographic… although I could probably grab some data from the CoSchedule blog itself… hmm… again, this is the value in creating content because it usually leads to more content!).
6. Slideshare (or presentation): There are a few different platforms where you can post a presentation or deck of slides, but Slideshare seems to be the most common/ most widely used. Here’s how I would create a slideshare presentation out of a podcast interview and am in fact thinking of a specific episode. I recently interviewed Jason Hornung of the Jason Hornung Agency. Jason and his team specialize in Facebook Advertising – both a done with you (what I hired them to do) and a done for you service. In the podcast interview with Jason he shared a handful of strategies and tips for getting started with Facebook advertising as well as using content marketing with Facebook Advertising. I could simply take some of the points Jason made in the interview and put them in more of a ‘process’ order as part of a presentation. The first couple slides would be a title slide, episode info and about Jason, then I would go into the ‘meat’ of the interview. I would end the presentation with a link back to the actual episode where people could listen and get the full interview.
7. Clammr: this is probably a new one to most people, especially if you’re not a big podcast listener. What Clammr does is something that was totally lacking in the podcasting space. The ability to share audio clips in the newsfeed of Facebook and Twitter. But that’s just the beginning. You can also dictate the image and link back (where people can get the full podcast episode, a landing page, etc.). Clammr is an app for both your phone and desktop that allows you to create custom audio clips of a podcast episode for sharing. Holy moly, right? I interviewed one of the founders of Clammr, Parviz Parvizi, and you can listen to the full interview with him here. Not only can you create sound bites from your own podcast but you can create and share clips from other podcasts as well (you can also create quick audio clips to share non-podcast content. The audio clips can be up to 24 seconds).
8. Email: You might not consider this ‘content’ per se, but don’t overlook email as a key component in your podcasting and content marketing strategy. You can pull one piece of a podcast episode and share it via email to drive people to listen to the podcast. You can also test sharing the full post and then simply directly people to ‘listen’ to the episode on your site (any time you can you want to drive people back to your website. Your podcast will give you data in terms of how people are consuming your podcast, but use your email to send them to the post on your site. Think about the length of time someone will be on your site when they go there to listen to the most recent podcast episode… not a bad idea, right?)
9. Ebook / Download: Depending on the type of show you have, you could compile an ebook of the top 20 episodes, transcribed with take-aways or lessons. Or pick a theme from the shows. As an example, I could do a round-up of interviews with WordPress product developers (plugins, themes, etc). I could also do the same for social media experts, advertising experts, etc. This could be an opt-in that segments your list and shows up only on the podcast posts (you could also sell it… clean up the transcripts, add to it and provide as much value as possible. Jon Nastor of “Hack the Entrepreneur” did something similar and now he has a fabulous book on Amazon! I have an upcoming interview coming out with Jon).
That should give you enough to go on to get started and simply do some testing.
I would select maybe two additional ways you can repurpose your podcast episode (beyond the audio and written post on your site), and test them for a month. Which means if you have a weekly show you’re testing the additional two pieces of content 4 times each.
Like I mentioned above, be sure to track everything you’re doing.
You also want to ensure you have a solid promotional strategy in place for promoting the additional content (example: if you’re going to create a Slide deck, make sure to add it to your social media calendar so it gets shared more than once. Don’t assume everyone in your audience will see it when you share it.)
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Great post Kim – I love it!
Thanks so much Allison!
Km Doyal you are a genius!!! So glad you found me
Haha…thanks Lisa! Me too (glad I found you!). Can’t wait to get your show launched! 🙂